Adam Wrote a Book to Help You Grow Your Business!

November 1st, 2023, 8:45 AM

Have you ever given someone advice, and then realized, "Oh my gosh, that's something my dad would say"?

It happens to me all the time with both of my parents. One minute, I'm talking to my kid or an employee, and the next, I think, "Wow, I sound just like my mom!"

As weird as it may seem, it's not surprising that I repeat my parents at home and at work. They were both self-employed, just like me, and they taught me a lot about running a successful business. Watching them manage their consumer electronics company was extremely educational, and their stories had a big impact on me.

Over the years, I've added to my parents' lessons through trial and error, and I've developed my own wisdom as well. I eventually started to wonder if my kids would hear my voice in their heads one day. I'm already passing on my knowledge to business owners like you, but I want those lessons and life skills to be passed down to the next generation too.

So, I did something a little crazy: I wrote a book!

I've spent the last few months writing like crazy, combining what my parents taught me with all of the most important business skills and strategies I've learned over the past decade-plus. It was fun to dig into my childhood and look back on my old startup experiences. (Once upon a time, I launched a nationally acclaimed board game and ran a grilled cheese food truck.)

I'm really proud of how the book turned out. Each chapter features a different story and a lesson designed to help business owners like you take your companies to the next level. Some tips are concrete changes you can make in your business to increase your revenue and reduce stress, while others are more focused on mindset and how to succeed by thinking like an entrepreneur.

One of my favorite chapters is about a sign that used to hang over the front door of my childhood home. My parents found it at a hotel gift shop in New Orleans when I was 8 years old, and they loved it. The sign featured this quote from Hannibal Barca, the Carthaginian general:

"I will either find a way or make one."

If you're a history buff, you might remember Hannibal as the guy who led an army of 70,000 men, 20,000 horses, and 37 elephants across the French Alps to attack Italy in 218 BC. The entire world thought his plan was impossible, but he did it in 16 days. Every time I left my house as a kid, I saw that quote and thought about that story.

Looking back, it was an insanely empowering message. Hannibal taught me that not only am I capable of doing hard things, but I'm worthy of doing them. If I want something badly enough, I can make it happen. Nothing will stop me with that mindset. Everything becomes a "yes or yes" proposition.

Every time a law changes or the world throws me a curveball like a pandemic, I think about that quote. It's why I don't make excuses or give up in the face of a challenge. Instead, I find a way or make one. In the book, I share that story in one chapter, along with realistic, actionable ways you can turn challenges into opportunities in your business.

We will have more details to share in the future, including the final title and release date. But we expect to launch the book before the end of the year.

I would love for you to join our list for early access and some surprise early bird offers when the book comes out. You can visit to be one of the first to join the book waitlist! -AW

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